Tuesday Ministries 12/24/2024

OMG!!! We spotted the Grinch sneaking around the Giant in Forks Township! One thing was for certain, we weren't about to let him steal our Christmas OR any of the wonderful food donations for all of the families in need!! Being that he stopped to pose for a selfie, I'm hoping some of our cheer rubbed off on him!! :D

Today we made deliveries to the Harlan House in Downtown Easton and to the Lutheran Manor Apartments in Bethlehem!! My goodness, it was soooo good to see everyone at the Lutheran Manor again! Because I'm off from work, I had the pleasure of joining in the P346 festivities today and got to see all of the smiling faces as we brought in cart after cart of cases of food!! :)

Be sure to be on the lookout for that Grinch!! One thing is for sure, P346 will never allow him to steal our Christmas!! :D May God bless you all and may the peace of Jesus Christ be with you this Christmas season! :)

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