Saturday Delivery To The Harlan House Easton

We've had some hiccups with deliveries to The Harlan House this past week due to them locking up their recreation room.  The word from the residents was that someone had just moved out, and those helping them move out made a complete mess of the room, so now we are banished from using their recreation room!

This morning upon our first of two deliveries to The Harlan House, I ran into Tecora AKA The Carrot Cake Lady outside and she explained to me that, as instructed by the administration of The Harlan House, we are now to deliver to the 4th St. entrance of the building in their tiny foyer.  It is a bit of an inconvenience but the important thing is that we are still getting food to those in need.

I'd like to give a HUGE shout out to my Harlan House family for all of their help with moving the food from the cars into the building, and I'd also like to give a HUGE shout out to my co-worker and friend, Richie Pothering, for joining us at the Allentown store to pick up some food donations for families he helps out in his area.  

One thing I love more than anything is getting to spend time with the people there.  It breaks my heart when some of them tell me their family wants nothing to do with them.  The Lord is laying it on my heart to do something special for them.  Praise Jesus for the never-ending miracles He is working through this ministry!

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