Saturday Ministries 12/14/2024

Today we made deliveries to the Harlan House and to our homeless friends in Downtown Easton :)

When we get together with our homeless friends, it's almost like a family gathering around the holidays; lots of laughter, chattering, and great conversation! It's no wonder we get the attention of motorists driving by, wondering what's going on!

Despite all of the craziness going on in the world, the Lord continues to pour out His blessings upon us and those we touch through this ministry and other ministries like ours that serve the many people in need.

Lives are being saved on a daily basis thanks to Psalm 34:6 Ministries, ProJeCt of Easton, Warm Hearts in PA, and Cornerstone Church's Riverside Ministry. The Lord is using our ministries to help the poor to survive during these trying times. But the take away from all of this is that we should all learn to depend on the Lord. The Bible says that the Lord provides for those who depend on Him. Amen.

Join our community on Facebook at P346 EASTON PA (PSALM 34:6 MINISTRIES)

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