Setting The Stage For FCC's Thanksgiving Meal Drive 2024

Today we began setting the stage for this year's annual Thanksgiving Meal Drive! Faye Hartzell took time out of her busy schedule to help us haul the empty boxes needed for the Thanksgiving Meal Kit deliveries to Forks Community Church this afternoon!

The stage is set for the volunteers to begin filling the boxes with the non-perishable items tonight! They will conclude Saturday morning with the last piece of the puzzle after the "Turkey Man" AKA Tom Hartzell, delivers the truck full of turkeys to Forks Community Church on Saturday, November 23rd.

I'd like to give a HUGE SHOUTOUT to Pastor Tim Zuck, Secretary & Treasurer Faye Hartzell, Tom Hartzell, and the rest of the wonderful staff and volunteers at Forks Community Church for all of their dedication and hard work to make all of this possible!

I'd also like to give a HUGE SHOUTOUT to the wonderful people at Forks Community Church that were so very generous in their donations in order to help those in need in their local community. Because of you all, many families will enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner this holiday season.

Another HUGE SHOUTOUT goes to House On The Rock Family Church in Wind Gap for donating 20 turkeys this year! May God bless all of the wonderful people at House On The Rock!!

LAST but MOST DEFINITELY NOT LEAST, a HUGE SHOUTOUT goes to CycleFit Lehigh Valley for partnering with us and raising a TON of food donations to help us fill these boxes for the Thanksgiving deliveries this Saturday!

Thanks to all of the kind and generous people of our local community, we are able to make this happen. May God bless each and everyone of you abundantly for giving to those in need. May the peace of Jesus Christ be with you all.

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