The Gospel Goes Viral (Acts 25:13-27)

Acts 25:13-27

When Paul Was Brought Before King Agrippa And Bernice

The next day Agrippa and Bernice made a big show as they came into the meeting room.  High ranking army officers and leading citizens of the town were also there.  Festus then ordered Paul to be brought in...
Acts 25:23
When you really stop to digest this passage, it is amazing to think about the exposure the Gospel got by Paul having the opportunity to speak in this large room filled with powerful people.  From King Agrippa to high ranking army officials, highly influential people heard the Gospel and Paul's testimony that day.

The Bible doesn't go on to say anything more about this but we can just imagine that at least some of these people in the room that day went on to share what they heard.  Whether they believed and put their faith in Jesus or the people they shared it with, we don't know.  But what we do know is that salvation only occurs if God makes their heart receptive to the message.

We see this supernatural occurrence in Acts 10 when Peter visited Cornelius, the captain of a group of soldiers called "The Italian Unit."  Peter began speaking the message about Jesus but ultimately it was the Holy Spirit that brought salvation upon that household.  The Lord made their hearts receptive to the message of Jesus Christ.

Here's some additional food for thought.  Paul demanded that he be tried in a court by the Roman emperor.  Perhaps if he hadn't done that, he would have lived.  But let's stop to consider a few things.  Back then there was no such thing as social media; no Facebook, Tik Tok, or YouTube.  Therefore, the only way for anything to go "viral" is to have your message presented before powerful and highly influential people.  And that is exactly what the Lord allowed Paul to do.

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